“Piccadilly Circus” is dedicated to the pianist Jovanni Rey de Pedro, who embodied the extroverted spirit of this highly rhythmic piece. Although this piece has a British title, the music actually references some elements of the choro, a Brazilian form of ragtime. The...
I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to get excited about the official release of the Perpetual Motion Etudes book and CD. Here’s a teaser video with all the info for the...
Have you ever felt conflicted between following in traditions and seeking your own path? That’s the subject of my new composition, “Homesick.” This piece is built around two pairs of melodies – the outer pair (in the pianist’s pinkies) moves in contrary...
Imagine – you’re standing on the Brooklyn Bridge on a perfect summer evening. The sky is painted in purple and pinks. The clouds are embossed with reflected light. The evening’s glow is reflected not only in the river below you, but off of all the...