
WJQ’s 4-Star Downbeat Review, Indy Performances

WMU’s faculty jazz ensemble received a four-star review from storied jazz magazine Downbeat for Free Fall, our recent CD. Writer John Ephland praises Free Fall’s many “nice surprises” and remarks admiringly that the group “places academic acuity on the back-burner” in favor of a more “impressionistic” approach.

The WJQ will celebrate the CD’s success with a special release concert in Kalamazoo at Dalton Recital Hall on Friday, September 12. In October, we’ll spread the Free Fall love in Indiana, performing at Indiana University in Bloomington on October 13th and at Butler University in Indianapolis on October 14th.

Monterey Jazz Festival

I’ll be heading to to Monterey, California where I’m representing Yamaha at the Monterey Jazz Festival from September 19-21, performing with saxophonist Caleb Curtis. I’ll be playing their amazing hybrid piano, the Avant Grand, which features the real action of a piano but produces recorded sounds. All of the specifics are here!

House Concert Call

I’m looking for house concert hosts for two tours: June 30-July 6 in New York, Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois; and August 9-15 in Northern California, Oregon, and Washington. Look at the new “House Concerts” section for more info.


I’m heading to Bangkok for 10 days to teach at Rangist University for the Thailand Jazz Workshop led by Dr. Gene Aitken.

Monterey Jazz Festival

I’ll be representing Yamaha a the Monterey Jazz Festival in September – more details to come!

Julia Bullock Premieres

The wonderful Julia Bullock will premiere arrangements I’ve written for her at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. and at Merkin Hall in New York City.

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