Jazz Piano Fundamentals Main Page

Congratulations on purchasing Jazz Piano Fundamentals and successfully scanning the first QR code! Below, you’ll find links to the home pages for each unit.

Can I ask a quick favor of you? Please don’t share this content with folks who haven’t purchased this book. This is for you and only you – the smart, savvy, and tasteful individual who bought my book and scanned the QR code. I appreciate you keeping my intellectual property my own. Thank you!

✅ Learn about enrolling in Jeremy’s 32-session beginning and intermediate jazz piano classes that parallel the Jazz Piano Fundamentals books here.
✅ Sign up for Jeremy’s mailing list to learn more about other books and updates here.
✅ Schedule a lesson with Jeremy here

Please watch this introductory video:

Here’s a link to a playlist with all of the videos for “Jazz Piano Fundamentals,” presented in order.

Click here for “Jazz Piano Fundamentals” Playlist

If you’d prefer not to scan the QR codes as you go, you can use the following unit titles to navigate to the videos and completed written assignments for each unit:

Link for all Listening Playlists

Main Page for Unit 1

Main Page for Unit 2

Main Page for Unit 3

Main Page for Unit 4

Main Page for Unit 5

Main Page for Unit 6

Main Page for Unit 7

Main Page for Unit 8

Main Page for Unit 9

Main Page for Unit 10

Main Page for Unit 11

Main Page for Unit 12

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