Upcoming Events

Date Type City Venue
Apr 10 Performance Newport Beach, CA Campus JAX
Time: 6:30pm. Address: 3950 Campus Drive. Venue phone: 949-261-6270. With the inimitable vocalist Maria Schafer and her band!
Apr 25 - Apr 26 Performance Fullerton, CA Fullerton College Wilshire Auditorium
Address: 15 E Wilshire Ave. Fullerton College Jazz Festival! Free workshops during the day and performances in the evneing.
May 9 Performance Long Beach, CA House Concert in Long Beach @ Jeremy’s house
Time: 6:30pm. House concert at Jeremy’s place in Long Beach featuring the wonderful Lia Booth! This should be a really fun way to spend a summer’s night! Buy Tickets
May 15 Performance Fullerton, CA Muckenthaler Cultural Center
Time: 7:30pm. Address: 1201 W Malvern Ave. Venue phone: 714-738-6595. With “Glenn Cashman and Friends” Glenn Cashman, sax; Ron Stout, trumpet; Ken Wild, bass; Kendall Kay, drums
May 16 - May 18 Performance Seattle, WA JazzVox
Performing with incredible vocal stylist Lia Booth as part of the Jazzvox vocal series in the Seattle area. Visit www.jazzvox.com for more.
May 22 Performance Newport Beach, CA Campus JAX
Time: 6:30pm. Address: 3950 Campus Drive. Venue phone: 949-261-6270. Jamie Shew record release concert!
May 23 - May 26 Performance Los Angeles, CA Colburn School
Time: 6:30pm. Address: 200 S Grand Ave. Serving as faculty for Tonebase Camp!
May 29 Performance Newport Beach, CA Campus JAX
Time: 6:30pm. Address: 3950 Campus Drive. Venue phone: 949-261-6270. with vocalist Alex Robinson!
Jun 29 - Jul 5 Teaching Idyllwild, CA Jazz in the Pines
Teaching at the annual Idyllwild Jazz in the Pines Summer Camp and Festival.
Jul 23 - Jul 26 Performance Lombard, IL National Conference for Keyboard Pedagogy
Performing and presenting at the National Conference for Keyboard Pedagogy in the Chicago area.
Aug 16 - Aug 21 Teaching Adamant, VT Adamant Music School
Address: 1216 Haggett Rd. Serving on faculty for the Tonebase Piano Camp, Vermont edition!
Sep 12 - Sep 15 Performance Seattle, WA JazzVox
Performing with vocal genius Claire Martin as part of the Jazzvox vocal series in the Seattle area. Visit jazzvox.com for more!
Sep 21 Performance Newport Beach, CA Campus JAX
Address: 3950 Campus Drive. Venue phone: 949-261-6270. Performing with a special surprise guest vocalist! Buy Tickets
Date City Venue
Apr 10 Newport Beach, CA Campus JAX
Time: 6:30pm. Address: 3950 Campus Drive. Venue phone: 949-261-6270. With the inimitable vocalist Maria Schafer and her band!
Apr 25 - Apr 26 Fullerton, CA Fullerton College Wilshire Auditorium
Address: 15 E Wilshire Ave. Fullerton College Jazz Festival! Free workshops during the day and performances in the evneing.
May 9 Long Beach, CA House Concert in Long Beach @ Jeremy’s house
Time: 6:30pm. House concert at Jeremy’s place in Long Beach featuring the wonderful Lia Booth! This should be a really fun way to spend a summer’s night! Buy Tickets
May 15 Fullerton, CA Muckenthaler Cultural Center
Time: 7:30pm. Address: 1201 W Malvern Ave. Venue phone: 714-738-6595. With “Glenn Cashman and Friends” Glenn Cashman, sax; Ron Stout, trumpet; Ken Wild, bass; Kendall Kay, drums
May 16 - May 18 Seattle, WA JazzVox
Performing with incredible vocal stylist Lia Booth as part of the Jazzvox vocal series in the Seattle area. Visit www.jazzvox.com for more.
May 22 Newport Beach, CA Campus JAX
Time: 6:30pm. Address: 3950 Campus Drive. Venue phone: 949-261-6270. Jamie Shew record release concert!
May 23 - May 26 Los Angeles, CA Colburn School
Time: 6:30pm. Address: 200 S Grand Ave. Serving as faculty for Tonebase Camp!
May 29 Newport Beach, CA Campus JAX
Time: 6:30pm. Address: 3950 Campus Drive. Venue phone: 949-261-6270. with vocalist Alex Robinson!
Jul 23 - Jul 26 Lombard, IL National Conference for Keyboard Pedagogy
Performing and presenting at the National Conference for Keyboard Pedagogy in the Chicago area.
Sep 12 - Sep 15 Seattle, WA JazzVox
Performing with vocal genius Claire Martin as part of the Jazzvox vocal series in the Seattle area. Visit jazzvox.com for more!
Sep 21 Newport Beach, CA Campus JAX
Address: 3950 Campus Drive. Venue phone: 949-261-6270. Performing with a special surprise guest vocalist! Buy Tickets
Date City Venue
Jun 29 - Jul 5 Idyllwild, CA Jazz in the Pines
Teaching at the annual Idyllwild Jazz in the Pines Summer Camp and Festival.
Aug 16 - Aug 21 Adamant, VT Adamant Music School
Address: 1216 Haggett Rd. Serving on faculty for the Tonebase Piano Camp, Vermont edition!

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