Jazz Piano Fundamentals – Unit Eight

Welcome to Unit 8! (for unit 7, click here)

Call and Response Phrase 1 (page 113-14)

ii-V-I Lick 6 (Blues) (page 114-115)

Basslines in 2 (page 115-117)

One-Handed Type A/B Voicings (page 117-123)

Page 119 – Written Answers


Page 120 (one-handed voicings, set 1, type A)

Page 121 (ii-V-I, set 1, Type B)

Page 122 (ii-V-I set 2, Type A)

Page 123 (ii-V-I set 2, Type B)


Blues Improvisation (page 124-128)

Videos for Further Study


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